Cambridge City Airport launches drone safety campaign

Cambridge City Airport has launched a new campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of flying drones or unmanned aircraft in the proximity of its airport.
The new campaign aims to educate and inform the public on the specific rules that must be observed when flying drones or other remotely controlled aircraft in the airport’s Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) – which is designed to provide protection to aircraft landing and departing.
Cambridge City Airport’s FRZ currently extends 5km from the threshold of its runways away from the aerodrome, along the extended runways’ centrelines, and 500m either side – to a hight of 2,000ft above ground level.
This means it is illegal to fly drones or model aircraft within this vicinity without prior permission from Cambridge City Airport.
Drone pilots must first acquire a Non-Standard Flight (NSF) approval before flying in the restricted zone. These NSF applications will be forwarded to Cambridge City Airport for review and approval.
Drones – or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – are becoming an increasingly familiar aspect of life and work in the UK, with more than 76,000 UAVs expected to be operating in UK airspace by 2030.
Kevan Craske, Director of Airport Operations at Cambridge City Airport, said the new campaign will provide people with greater understanding of its safeguarding policy.
“Drone legislation is rapidly changing in the UK and we must adjust accordingly to this continuously improving technology, he said.
“Our new drone awareness campaign is designed to ensure the public receive the latest instructions and legal guidelines before flying unmanned aircraft of any size within Cambridge City Airport’s protected zone.”
Drone operators are required by law to register their drone and take a theory test. The Drone and Model Aircraft Registration and Education Scheme has been created by the CAA to support users.